Friday, September 21, 2007


With the Shipping law prof and peeps! :) We went to Harry's @ Boat Quay for drinks first before heading to this nice Italian restaurant called Mag's, where Keong, the shipbroker, gave all of us a treat. Thank you Keong!! :)

Most of them are working adults doing their Masters. Taryn and I always feel so stupid with them, especially since we were doing our Admiralty group presentation with Navin (a shipping lawyer who owns his own firm) and Marco (an Italian doing his Masters). When we were first allocated our groups, Taryn and I were terrified because they looked so smart and scary. But they are SUPER NICE people!! Always telling us not to worry and if the assessor asked us any difficult questions, they will help us answer the questions. And they really did!!! So all Taryn and I had to do was to stand there and look pretty during our presentation. Good job babe! :)

me, Navin (the shipping lawyer) & Girvin (our shipping law prof)//me and Navin//me and Marco (italian guy doing his masters)//Keong (ship broker) and me//Taryn babe and me//my fish main course at Mag's//Taryn's beef at Mag's//Marco enjoying his meat//me and my fish!!!

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