Saturday, June 30, 2007

a day in town

Thanks to the NDP preview at marina bay today, suntec/city hall area was damn bloody crowded. So the boyfriend and I went down to orchard instead, which was crowded as usual but not bursting with people. Unfortunately, Fantastic Four was sold out at Cathay Orchard so we decided to go shopping for anything worth buying to beat the GST rise. Unfortunately, many people thought the same way and there were TONS of people shopping like crazy, as if today was their last day on earth. Food places were bloody crowded too, so we decided to pamper ourselves a little and went to Triple3 for a nice buffet dinner without having to queue.

I would like to thank the boyfriend for being the sweetest ever, to spend time massively editing my cover letters so they sound more professional, and to take leave on Monday just to go firm hopping with me. I just want you to know how thankful I am for you, and no matter how applications turn out, I know I have no fears because God and you will always be there, watching over me. The dinner is not enough to show how much I appreciate you, but I hope you enjoyed it, and it makes your belly bigger so that you will always be fatter than me. :)

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