Thursday, July 5, 2007

the Saviour

Who will be saved? The Catholic/Christian who was baptised at birth when he couldn't even talk and lived his life without going to church and consciously did things which he knew were sinful, or the believer who gradually learnt about the faith, went to church and tried his very best to live his life by God's word but somehow didn't get baptised?

Assuming you have two kids, A and B, who plotted to steal your money. A cried after, said sorry and vowed never ever to do it again. B never cried, never said sorry, and never promised you anything. You would still be very angry with B because you don't feel his remorse, but you will forgive A, because he apologised and gave you his word so you will try to trust A again. However, B never ever did anything bad from then on, while A stole your money again. Who will you forgive at the end of the day? Was B wrong because he never expressed his remorse? Or will you never forgive A because he betrayed your trust?

If you forgave B in the end, shouldn't that mean the person who never promised you anything yet tried his best to live as a good person should be saved, instead of the person who promised to live his life as a good person but broke his promise?

Does God only save those who get baptised? And should people who are not baptised be judged and pitied because they will not be saved?

I don't know the answer.

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