Saturday, July 14, 2007

the line and pink gifts

Dinner at The Line was amazing! I like their small servings so I can eat a wide variety of food!!! Yummy! Especially the tiramisu. Comparable to the Manhattan Fish Market one. MFM's is more silky while The Line's more fluffy. Both melt in your mouth too. I like! :) Thank you Daddy and Mummy!
So sorry but I don't fancy taking photos of food and posting them on my blog because I am usually too busy eating to take photos. :p

I love my sister's present for me! She made me wear the pink yukata she bought from japan:

And of course, my babypoo's pink present for me which you can see from the above photos, delivered to my house at 3pm by a cute uncle who stared at the receipt and said, "Err.. hi, are you 'my dear'?"
That's the romantic present. There is also the practical present he gave to me a few weeks back, a simple black 28-inch Samsonite suitcase. Useful to bring to the US. Empty. To come back full of factory outlet stuff. Thank you dear!!! :) -muah-

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