with my slave, kin fei!!! :)

it's a banana crepe! but it looks more like omelette with rice right?

Susie introduced me to PostSecret last year and I have been reading it since (thanks Susie dear!!!). Every week, a new batch of anonymous, aptly decorated postcards with one-liners of people's deepest darkest secrets are posted. It is amazing how one simple line can be so heartwrenching or so full of hatred or, once in a while, make you smile. It can be really painful to read, yet something compels me to keep going back to the website. Perhaps it's because I am comforted knowing that I am not the only one with secrets. Perhaps even though reading the cards make my heart break, they, at the same time, make me count my blessings. I decided to share this website with you because of a particular card this week which says,
"This is the last time I will be reading PostSecret because I can't stand to read it alone."
You are never alone because you are not the only person in the world feeling this way. Whatever problems you have, whatever difficulties you face, someone else is having it worse than you. So stop thinking you are the most pathetic person in the world, and embrace the wonderful things that you have in life. They may not be obvious, because people tend to notice failures and sad stuff more, but the happy things ARE there. Right before you. Take a closer look around, and spend time finding those wonderful things and then appreciating them, rather than wasting that time complaining about your sucky life. If you still cannot find anything, just look up in the sky. God is always there for you, watching over you. And remember, nothing you suffer compares to the pain that Jesus suffered when He was crucified for our sins. Sins that He did not commit. Still wanna complain about your unfair life?
~ 天父
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