with my darling doreen. We exchanged gifts from Victoria's Secret. How lame right? So happy my darling doreen re-joined Cali! :) The only thing I missed when I was in the US was gymming. HAHAHA... So much so that on Monday, I just had to go for Su's bodycombat. It really made me feel refreshed, recharged and all ready for the final semester of my educational years (also made me feel less fat from the glorious food I ate in the States).
with gene and qiu at some Korean restaurant in Novena for lunch. spicy beancurd soup//fried potato pancake//spicy kimchi soup//fried niangao (v nice!!!) and...
my bibimbap!!! I love bibimbap coz it always looks very pretty at first and then I will just mix everything up and eat it like dog food. hahaha...
We looked like crap coz they rushed down from sch while I rushed down from gym, so no photos of us! :(
with xiaowei at cedele for some healthy pasta! red pepper and tomato soup
arrabiata tomato penne
alfredo mushroom linguine
Yeah my life revolves around gymming and eating, then gymming and eating again. My two most favourite activities in life. Helps me to maintain the fat at a stable fat level. Pure bliss. :)
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