Friday, January 18, 2008

greek masterpieces

Today, Gene and I went to

to see the

We were allowed to take photos inside!!! :)

First up, the goddess Athena from whom the Greeks named their city.

And then Alexander the Great

A lion which can be found on the tombs of men who were known to be courageous.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, holding a ball. HAHAHA...

a discus thrower in what was known as the ancient Olympics.

The double portrait of Aristophanes and Sophocles

Plus we tried on Grecian costumes! :D

Goddess Wendy

Goddesses Gene & Wendy

So cool right? And there are more than 100 sculptures! It's only $4 per entry for students! A must go!!!

Happy day! :) Plus we didn't get lost driving. :D

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