Friday, May 30, 2008

song hae gyo

a day of being in her shoes...

This is the beach where Junxi carried Enxi while she died in his arms.

I am so living her life...

From Hotelier starring Song Hae Gyo & Bae Yong Jun

religious harmony...

My mother with her Kwon Sang Woo

And I just had to take a photo of the luggage trolley with my Lee Byung Hyun's ad before leaving the land of sappy love dramas.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

sex and the city

And who can forget the blue Manolos in the show?

Yes I got CARRIE-d away...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Huwwo poo!!!


I am so glad I got to chat with you for the first 3 hours and 20 minutes of your birthday (Singapore time). Hope you like the present! :) Finally get to write something for you on your birthday, especially since you know multi-tasking is impossible for someone with a brain like mine. :p That's how you know I will never cheat on you! :D

This is your second birthday with me, and the first physically away from me. However, you must always remember that I am right here with you k? Although it has only been 2 years, I hope it's only the beginning of the road to ultimate Poodom and we will get to spend many many birthdays together! :)

21 more days before you are back in Singapore!!! I can't wait!

Take care till I next see you, cos when I do, I will take very good care of you and feed you well! muahahaha...

I love you! I love you so so much! :) -muah-

p/s: I am writing here so that no one will take over my position on your birthday blog as the post right on top. heehee... :D

Friday, May 23, 2008


Yes a pun on one of the most commonly used Korean surnames, but here are the two famous theme parks in Korea! :)


pink pink stall!!! :D:D:D

what a sexy couple, looking cool and in the same direction. the male, on the outer side of the road to protect his girl, sits behind her fore legs to support her although looking much grander than her.

omg i was squealing in delight when i saw this doggie. Isn't its dyed tail super cute???

Lotte World

Ooh what's the first pink thing I spot? :D:D:D

"hot-air balloon" ride on the ceiling of the indoor theme park

the outdoor theme park

the carousel from my mother's most favourite show starring her Kwon Sang Woo!!! How she wishes to be Choi Ji Woo here!!! hahaha!

a cute Korean toddler grooving to the music of the Carnival parade. Check out her pink leggings!!! :)

Free Sparkle Pink MySpace Cursors at