Bernia and me before:

Bernia and me after 5 hours:
Sis and me:

Good job all you girls out there! Bernia, Sis, Pearlyn, Rosh and Chi Ching

This was us in 2004 WDO. How time flies:

And I have a newfound respect for those taitais out there. Think they are useless? Watch them kick butt!! I was almost dying in the last 30 minutes and they were going on in front like they could go on forever. They really have nothing else to do with their lives except to go to the gym every single morning, an observation I made in Cali. Don't ever try to rob a tai tai, she will roundhouse kick you!
I would also like to thank Mummy and Daddy for their support, for staying there for the 5 hours. Daddy carried my belongings while Mummy stood there and laughed at me when I couldn't coordinate my Latino moves and when I practically died doing dips.
I highly doubt I can walk tomorrow. :( I am going to KO tonight, after the Man U match. Hope they survive and win!

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