The Campaign to Confer a Public Service Star on JBJ was good!!! Ok, not bloody brilliant, but good!!! Pam Oei is a very good actress, but Rodney Oliverio couldn't match up to her. Maybe it was because of their respective roles. Pam had greater avenue to express herself because she kept changing roles while Rodney was more narrative than role-changing.
Nevertheless, every Singaporean should catch it! Seriously, Singaporeans should support local theatre more. The performances are affordable and usually have a "Uniquely" Singaporean taste. If you think you are too atas to watch local productions and would rather revel in the high-class lifestyle of the Esplanade foreign production goers, you are so wrong. Educated Singaporeans these days appreciate local fare as well (judging from the sea of men wearing simple polo-shirts with their taitai wives donning shawls and shiny accessories surrounding my playbuddy Daryl - as in fellow friend who watches plays with me - and me at the Drama Centre tonight)!!!
And I got Eleanor's autograph in the programme booklet as well as a picture with Eleanor, the great lawyer cum playwright cum LAWR tutor! :) When do you ever get the autograph of the playwright? :)

Of course, on the topic of local production, how could I forget to mention KOPISHOP ROCK, an original musical produced, directed, composed, arranged, AND performed by our very own Law IV students!! I think tickets are sold out though. So too bad if you haven't bought your tickets!!! :) For those who have bought tickets, we sincerely hope you enjoy the performance and we thank you for your kind support! :)
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