ARK: every little Act of Random Kindness changes the world.
God: If you prayed for patience, I wouldn't just give you patience, I'd give you an opportunity to learn patience. . .
Had lunch at Beppu Ramen, a Japanese Ramen restaurant at Suntec basement (next to NZ Natural) which prides itself for its damn bloody spicy ramen. You can choose the degree of spiciness in the soup: 2, 4, 6, 8 chilli degrees. I tried 8 chilli the previous time. It was super spicy, not enough to make me cry but it was so spicy I just couldn't taste anything, which defeated the purpose of ordering the ramen in the first place. So this time, I tried the 6 chilli instead. A lot a lot better. For those of you who only like a bit of spice in your life, just take 2. If you love spice but are not sure if you will cry like a mad pig having chilli overdose, take 4. If you are a Chilli Queen like me, 6 will do just fine (meaning red eyes and swollen lips, but happy stomach and tastebuds).
Shopping after lunch was fun! We were supposed to be shopping for stuff that Tris wanted to bring to US, but I ended shopping as well. Bought a magnetic pocket Scrabble (erm yes I know how to play Scrabble and quite well too. Anyone wants to play with me?) and a new Hello Kitty cosmetic pouch! I left my cosmetic pouch on the dressing table in Cali changing room last week. Gone. :( My Chanel perfume, powder and all my cosmetics. All gone. The person who found it must be enjoying herself with all my Chanel stuff. Now I have to replace everything. Grr...
Dinner was at Tony Roma's, where we had the most wonderful Skillet Cookie Sundae:

Suntec is having some Tamagotchi Fair starting tomorrow. I want a pink Tamagotchi!!! Told the boyfriend I need to feed something while he is away. I shall go down tomorrow again to look-see. :)
And I would like to thank my two beloved girlfriends for my belated birthday present!! It's a limited edition Anna Sui lip palette!! It's so pretty and can be carried like a mini handbag! Thank you CX and Lilly!! -hug- :)

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