Thanks to the NDP preview at marina bay today, suntec/city hall area was damn bloody crowded. So the boyfriend and I went down to orchard instead, which was crowded as usual but not bursting with people. Unfortunately, Fantastic Four was sold out at Cathay Orchard so we decided to go shopping for anything worth buying to beat the GST rise. Unfortunately, many people thought the same way and there were TONS of people shopping like crazy, as if today was their last day on earth. Food places were bloody crowded too, so we decided to pamper ourselves a little and went to Triple3 for a nice buffet dinner without having to queue.
I would like to thank the boyfriend for being the sweetest ever, to spend time massively editing my cover letters so they sound more professional, and to take leave on Monday just to go firm hopping with me. I just want you to know how thankful I am for you, and no matter how applications turn out, I know I have no fears because God and you will always be there, watching over me. The dinner is not enough to show how much I appreciate you, but I hope you enjoyed it, and it makes your belly bigger so that you will always be fatter than me. :)
Saturday, June 30, 2007
of misters wong, drew, harry and whoever else
Making a name for yourself in the legal industry is to literally make your name the name/one of the names of a law firm. It is definitely not easy, and I doubt I am planning to go that far and high in life. Right now, I am dying just writing cover letters. Wish me luck for Monday and the rest of the long and painful week which will be spent staring at my handphone!
Friday, June 29, 2007
I so love the old school look, and christina aguilera looks FHOT in the officer uniform. Talk about kinky, times three!! choose your favourite christina: blonde, redhead or brunette. NICE! :)
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
what kind of shoe am I?
You Are Big Black Boots! |
You can be best described as: attitude You've got lots of it - and you love to give it A guy has to be pretty gusty to hit on you But if he's your type, you'll warm up... a little |
Hur hur.. Tris you gutsy? :p I wonder what the other options are. Girls, take the quiz and tell me! :)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Let's talk about girlfriends/boyfriends at different stages of our lives.
Primary School
"Teacher teacher, Xiaoming likes Meili. He say she very pretty. He wants to marry her." -giggles-
Remember such nonsense in primary school? That's the first step into our love lives. Even in primary school, the guys only fall for the pretty and slim girls with long hair and fair complexion. While the girls always secretly crush on either the headprefect or the naughtiest boy in school (talk about the model student vs bad boy complex). The pretty girl, flattered by the boy's attraction to her, will always act coy around him and attempt to slap anyone on the back whenever they give her the cheeky look. Xiaoming the bad boy will be at his surprisingly best behaviour only when the girl is around. Otherwise, he is a hopeless tyrant no discipline mistress could take in hand. The model student will do his best to impress the girl by impressing the teacher so that she would say, "Class, Daming scored 100 for his Math test again. All of you should follow his example, especially the boys who are always mishaving and not doing their work.
Daming kills two birds with one stone, rather, impresses two girls with a perfect score.
But one thing similar about Xiaoming and Daming, they only like the pretty girls. Not the fat or ugly ones. Only the pretty girls.
Secondary School
Secret Crush on Cool Guy
We pass our PSLE with flying colours and move on to secondary school. Albeit girls crush on the cutest singer/soccer player (that's how girls first learn the rules of soccer, by watching and going, "HEY! why did you kick MY beckham?". Whether we later grow to appreciate the game for its unspoken beauty, is another issue. I did!), we also crush on the cutest guy in school/some cool boys' school.
Let's talk about girls in a girls' school, since I was one. Now, there were only two cool boy's schools around, R! and @CS (in retrospect, how sad we were). Note the similarity to primary school. We either fall for the smart model student, or the bad boy. So there..
We wanted a cool guy to hang out with, to be seen with, someone who could charm us and make us laugh and make our girlfriends go "wah, her bf is so nice and cool!"
What did guys want from girls? Frankly, I don't know. I wasn't attached when I was in secondary school. Probably because just like in primary school, they were only interested in pretty girls. I was not one. Any guy wants to share his view?
Junior College
High School Romance
Junior College is where we were liberated from the evil clutches of single sex school and embraced the arrival of the opposite sex. Parents were slightly more liberal (definitely not mine) and we were allowed to go out till much later. Valentines' Day was a biggie in JC, even bigger than College Day. More roses were found in school on V day than potted plants which dressed up the stage on College Day. In fact, most couples I know started from JC. Even if they may no longer be together because of NS (see below), most people had their first taste of proper and long term romance in JC.
JC was where looks didn't really matter so so much anymore (I got my first boyfriend there so I guess that's a pretty accurate deduction). It was more of 'clicking', enjoying each other's company, and sometimes, because you two hang out in the same gang/clique so it's more convenient to go out.
JC was where hearts were broken, people cried over the phone, and failed exams because he/she was dumped.
JC was where memories were the most beautiful, yet the most painful.
It was time for the boys to become men, and the girls had to watch their bfs leave for the 3-month BMT thing. This was the time the boy needed a girl by his side to keep him sane and in tuned with the outside world. Desperate for female company, they talked to their gfs at night despite lights off and the penalty for chatting on the phone at night being DB (or something like that). They depended on their gf for emotional support and the only person they went out with during the weekends were their gf. Ironically, this was the time for the girl to stray. The girl was free to roam on weekdays. And men were on the prowl. Especially once university started and girls were welcomed to school by seemingly mature men who have been-there-done-that in NS compared to their wuss bf complaining to them about his 'boss'.
Many couples broke up while the guy was in army. But the same many persevered.
As mentioned, the girls go to uni first. With tough men in their same tutorial class, many girls fall for the trap (and I mean trap because the men were really still boys, just like the girls' wuss bf) and start dating them. They get attached, and miraculously, some couples are still together in their final year of uni.
Now this time, looks may be first impression for the guy to be attracted to the girl, but being able to 'click' with the girl ranks much much higher than looks. At the same time, girls don't just fall for the model student or the bad boy anymore. Guys want girls who look decent (as in not downright fugly), have good character and whom they can talk to. Depending on the type of guy you are talking about, most guys at this stage are looking for long term relationships. May not be marriage, but at least a few years. Someone they can study with, talk about the most random things as well as the most serious legal cases. Someone they can talk to.
As for girls, they want guys who can give them a sense of security, someone who can comfort them when they are upset and protect them when they are weak. Similarly, most girls at this stage are also looking for long term relationships. And indeed, most couples who met in uni do end up getting married. But that I suspect is because once we start working, there is really no time to date and 'get to know' other guys better. We have other better things to do in our lives. Like shopping. And spa.
We think differently and mature as we grow. Unexpected events in our lives change our mindsets and our view of relationship may also change. As a result, we may realise that what we want in life may be different from what the other person wants. But the most important thing for a couple to do is to talk. Talk it out. Tell each other what you think about the issue. It may be a painful process to learn that the other party has changed. So either you drop him if you cannot handle it, or you stick with him through and through and accept his change. You may change your own thinking as well, not for his sake or just for the relationship to work, but for YOURSELF, if it makes you a better person as a whole. So that when your time is up and God judges you, you do not fear what you have done is not answerable to Him.
Love is what you need. Coupled with mutual commitment and devotion to the relationship. And I mean commitment to the relationship. Not just to the person. Because your feelings to the person may change and the person you love will change in time. But if you are also committed to make the relationship work, you are not blinded by the person's flaws. Instead, you analyse the situation objectively and you tell each other what you can do to make the relationship better. This way, the relationship will not just be you and me in lalaland but also be complete and in tune with your surroundings.
Do you know of any couple who has braved the rough storms and torrential rains and stayed together since primary school? Or even secondary school? If you know any, help me tell them I give them my sincere blessings that they will be together, for all time. Because I don't know any couple who has.
Primary School
"Teacher teacher, Xiaoming likes Meili. He say she very pretty. He wants to marry her." -giggles-
Remember such nonsense in primary school? That's the first step into our love lives. Even in primary school, the guys only fall for the pretty and slim girls with long hair and fair complexion. While the girls always secretly crush on either the headprefect or the naughtiest boy in school (talk about the model student vs bad boy complex). The pretty girl, flattered by the boy's attraction to her, will always act coy around him and attempt to slap anyone on the back whenever they give her the cheeky look. Xiaoming the bad boy will be at his surprisingly best behaviour only when the girl is around. Otherwise, he is a hopeless tyrant no discipline mistress could take in hand. The model student will do his best to impress the girl by impressing the teacher so that she would say, "Class, Daming scored 100 for his Math test again. All of you should follow his example, especially the boys who are always mishaving and not doing their work.
Daming kills two birds with one stone, rather, impresses two girls with a perfect score.
But one thing similar about Xiaoming and Daming, they only like the pretty girls. Not the fat or ugly ones. Only the pretty girls.
Secondary School
Secret Crush on Cool Guy
We pass our PSLE with flying colours and move on to secondary school. Albeit girls crush on the cutest singer/soccer player (that's how girls first learn the rules of soccer, by watching and going, "HEY! why did you kick MY beckham?". Whether we later grow to appreciate the game for its unspoken beauty, is another issue. I did!), we also crush on the cutest guy in school/some cool boys' school.
Let's talk about girls in a girls' school, since I was one. Now, there were only two cool boy's schools around, R! and @CS (in retrospect, how sad we were). Note the similarity to primary school. We either fall for the smart model student, or the bad boy. So there..
We wanted a cool guy to hang out with, to be seen with, someone who could charm us and make us laugh and make our girlfriends go "wah, her bf is so nice and cool!"
What did guys want from girls? Frankly, I don't know. I wasn't attached when I was in secondary school. Probably because just like in primary school, they were only interested in pretty girls. I was not one. Any guy wants to share his view?
Junior College
High School Romance
Junior College is where we were liberated from the evil clutches of single sex school and embraced the arrival of the opposite sex. Parents were slightly more liberal (definitely not mine) and we were allowed to go out till much later. Valentines' Day was a biggie in JC, even bigger than College Day. More roses were found in school on V day than potted plants which dressed up the stage on College Day. In fact, most couples I know started from JC. Even if they may no longer be together because of NS (see below), most people had their first taste of proper and long term romance in JC.
JC was where looks didn't really matter so so much anymore (I got my first boyfriend there so I guess that's a pretty accurate deduction). It was more of 'clicking', enjoying each other's company, and sometimes, because you two hang out in the same gang/clique so it's more convenient to go out.
JC was where hearts were broken, people cried over the phone, and failed exams because he/she was dumped.
JC was where memories were the most beautiful, yet the most painful.
It was time for the boys to become men, and the girls had to watch their bfs leave for the 3-month BMT thing. This was the time the boy needed a girl by his side to keep him sane and in tuned with the outside world. Desperate for female company, they talked to their gfs at night despite lights off and the penalty for chatting on the phone at night being DB (or something like that). They depended on their gf for emotional support and the only person they went out with during the weekends were their gf. Ironically, this was the time for the girl to stray. The girl was free to roam on weekdays. And men were on the prowl. Especially once university started and girls were welcomed to school by seemingly mature men who have been-there-done-that in NS compared to their wuss bf complaining to them about his 'boss'.
Many couples broke up while the guy was in army. But the same many persevered.
As mentioned, the girls go to uni first. With tough men in their same tutorial class, many girls fall for the trap (and I mean trap because the men were really still boys, just like the girls' wuss bf) and start dating them. They get attached, and miraculously, some couples are still together in their final year of uni.
Now this time, looks may be first impression for the guy to be attracted to the girl, but being able to 'click' with the girl ranks much much higher than looks. At the same time, girls don't just fall for the model student or the bad boy anymore. Guys want girls who look decent (as in not downright fugly), have good character and whom they can talk to. Depending on the type of guy you are talking about, most guys at this stage are looking for long term relationships. May not be marriage, but at least a few years. Someone they can study with, talk about the most random things as well as the most serious legal cases. Someone they can talk to.
As for girls, they want guys who can give them a sense of security, someone who can comfort them when they are upset and protect them when they are weak. Similarly, most girls at this stage are also looking for long term relationships. And indeed, most couples who met in uni do end up getting married. But that I suspect is because once we start working, there is really no time to date and 'get to know' other guys better. We have other better things to do in our lives. Like shopping. And spa.
We think differently and mature as we grow. Unexpected events in our lives change our mindsets and our view of relationship may also change. As a result, we may realise that what we want in life may be different from what the other person wants. But the most important thing for a couple to do is to talk. Talk it out. Tell each other what you think about the issue. It may be a painful process to learn that the other party has changed. So either you drop him if you cannot handle it, or you stick with him through and through and accept his change. You may change your own thinking as well, not for his sake or just for the relationship to work, but for YOURSELF, if it makes you a better person as a whole. So that when your time is up and God judges you, you do not fear what you have done is not answerable to Him.
Love is what you need. Coupled with mutual commitment and devotion to the relationship. And I mean commitment to the relationship. Not just to the person. Because your feelings to the person may change and the person you love will change in time. But if you are also committed to make the relationship work, you are not blinded by the person's flaws. Instead, you analyse the situation objectively and you tell each other what you can do to make the relationship better. This way, the relationship will not just be you and me in lalaland but also be complete and in tune with your surroundings.
Do you know of any couple who has braved the rough storms and torrential rains and stayed together since primary school? Or even secondary school? If you know any, help me tell them I give them my sincere blessings that they will be together, for all time. Because I don't know any couple who has.
Friday, June 22, 2007
When you are a student, you have the time and energy to travel, but you have no money.
When you are working, you have the money and energy, but you have no time.
When you are old and retired, you have the time and money, but you may not have anymore energy.
So when is the best time to travel?
I would say, every time of your life. Because you experience and observe different things at different stages of your life.
So save up, manage your time well, and keep fit! :)
When you are working, you have the money and energy, but you have no time.
When you are old and retired, you have the time and money, but you may not have anymore energy.
So when is the best time to travel?
I would say, every time of your life. Because you experience and observe different things at different stages of your life.
So save up, manage your time well, and keep fit! :)
bebe blouses
New bebe tops just in!
Belted Silk Button-Front Halter Top. Isn't the thin cinched belt so pretty?
Silk Charmeuse Blouse with Ribbed Side Insets. I love rich royal purple on silk.
Plunging Silk Halter Top. Will show very nice cleavage esp since it's dark on top, but will also show fat tummy because of the two white thick stripes below. :(
Silk Cross-Back Top. I like this top, nice and bright. But I won't look good in it coz its puffy sleeves. My arms are flabby enough :(
Embroidered Butterfly Silk Flyaway Top. Finally something which may potentially flatter me. Black again. :(
Go to bebe for more!

Go to bebe for more!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Phuture music sucked till 1.30am where we managed to dance for half an hour to good music until 2 when the crappy music came back on and bored me decided to go try mambo (which I have never done before). Surprisingly, I enjoyed it! It was so hilariously funny how retarded guys-who-lack-psychomotor-skills look when they try to groove to the music and stand at attention whenever they needed to make the hand signs that it became just so cool! Trannies at the girls podium at the end of the night didn't help the poor guys at their podium look good when the guys tried to ask them to 'Call Me'. hur hur..
It was nice meeting friends I haven't met for a very long time like junliang and michelle. And it was amazing to dance till my feet were sore and I had to dance barefoot at mambo. I left zouk carrying my shoes while tris yearned for 'I Wanna Love You' and 'Buttons' and was disappointed that his girlfriend has turned into a mambo monster. Let's go to smoove from now on k?
Thank you friends (and newfoundfriends) for making the night so wonderful! tris, ying, pet, sm, kong, kyle, zhenliang, maurice, audrey, hanting (who MIA soon after :p) and elizabeth! :)
It was nice meeting friends I haven't met for a very long time like junliang and michelle. And it was amazing to dance till my feet were sore and I had to dance barefoot at mambo. I left zouk carrying my shoes while tris yearned for 'I Wanna Love You' and 'Buttons' and was disappointed that his girlfriend has turned into a mambo monster. Let's go to smoove from now on k?
Thank you friends (and newfoundfriends) for making the night so wonderful! tris, ying, pet, sm, kong, kyle, zhenliang, maurice, audrey, hanting (who MIA soon after :p) and elizabeth! :)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
not so thai
Singaporeans should be banned from using handphones while walking along the road. No matter how much we pride ourselves for being able to multitask at work, our psychomotor skills just die whenever we are on our phones and we just stop/slow down in the middle of the road. Especially when smsing. Our heads just naturally point downwards and suddenly the whole world disappears and all that matters is the phone screen before us. We can even weave through traffic while typing out our message. I mean, seriously, if you want to stop in the middle of the junction and die, I don't give a damn. But if you stop right in front of me and block my way, I give a bloody damn. Hence, I have two suggestions:
1. Ban handphone usage while walking, just like when we are in cars. Only allow headsets so that we can bloody hell see where we are going.
2. Designate a corner of the road by cordoning off the area and call it "Make a call pit stop". So people can only make phonecalls while in that area. And don't bloody hell move a millimetre.
I believe the first suggestion is much more feasible because cordoning off areas require the painting of lines (preferably shocking red so that blind Singaporeans can see) which makes use of taxpayer's money. Fining people not using headsets while talking on the handphone seems an easier solution. And if anyone is caught smsing while blocking the road, throw them to jail.
Singaporeans, please stop blocking my way. I stop traffic, not because I am on the phone, but because I am just too darn pretty. So there.. :p
On another note, dinner at Copthorne Brio's Divine Tastes of Thailand with tris, his mummy and godbrother was highly disappointing. Read the name of the food event, "Divine Tastes of THAILAND". So what do you expect? Thai food right? And read the menu.
"Enjoy traditional Thai dishes such as Glass Noodle Salad with Seafood, Clear Tom Yam Soup flavoured with Young Coconut Juice, Famous Green Curry Chicken, Fried Crabs in Red Curry, Pattaya-styled Fried Chicken with Thai Chilli Sauce, Fried Glass Noodles with Seafood, Fried Phad Thai Noodles, Mango with Sticky Rice, Thai Red Rubies in Coconut Milk amongst others"
Of all the abovenamed dishes, the only ones we saw were the Fried Phad Thai Noodles and Thai Red Rubies in Coconut Milk. THAT'S ALL. Everything else was not Thai, e.g. Drunken Prawns, Sushi, Chocolate desserts. Ok, the food wasn't all that bad. But my stomach was yearning for THAI FOOD and bloody TOM YAM. Can you believe it, they didn't even have tomyam. wtf... If you are dying for Thai food, don't bother going there. If you have the money to spare, please go to Patara at Swissotel instead. Endorsed by the Thai food master Tris XP himself, that would be the best place in Singapore where you can taste Thai cuisine at its best, while burning a damn big hole in your pocket.
Nevertheless, say what I want, dinner was enjoyable because of the company. Tris' godbrother's stories about snooty fat taitais wanting to model with his flowers (he is a floral arranger - he arranged my lovely V day bouquet!) just made us die of laughter.
Ok I am so tired. I woke up at a godforsaken early time of 9am today thanks to my neighbour's drilling. Enjoy my V-day bouquet while I sleep! Girls, if you like the bouquet, show it to your boyfriends and ask them to get for you one of these designer bouquets! :)
1. Ban handphone usage while walking, just like when we are in cars. Only allow headsets so that we can bloody hell see where we are going.
2. Designate a corner of the road by cordoning off the area and call it "Make a call pit stop". So people can only make phonecalls while in that area. And don't bloody hell move a millimetre.
I believe the first suggestion is much more feasible because cordoning off areas require the painting of lines (preferably shocking red so that blind Singaporeans can see) which makes use of taxpayer's money. Fining people not using headsets while talking on the handphone seems an easier solution. And if anyone is caught smsing while blocking the road, throw them to jail.
Singaporeans, please stop blocking my way. I stop traffic, not because I am on the phone, but because I am just too darn pretty. So there.. :p
On another note, dinner at Copthorne Brio's Divine Tastes of Thailand with tris, his mummy and godbrother was highly disappointing. Read the name of the food event, "Divine Tastes of THAILAND". So what do you expect? Thai food right? And read the menu.
"Enjoy traditional Thai dishes such as Glass Noodle Salad with Seafood, Clear Tom Yam Soup flavoured with Young Coconut Juice, Famous Green Curry Chicken, Fried Crabs in Red Curry, Pattaya-styled Fried Chicken with Thai Chilli Sauce, Fried Glass Noodles with Seafood, Fried Phad Thai Noodles, Mango with Sticky Rice, Thai Red Rubies in Coconut Milk amongst others"
Of all the abovenamed dishes, the only ones we saw were the Fried Phad Thai Noodles and Thai Red Rubies in Coconut Milk. THAT'S ALL. Everything else was not Thai, e.g. Drunken Prawns, Sushi, Chocolate desserts. Ok, the food wasn't all that bad. But my stomach was yearning for THAI FOOD and bloody TOM YAM. Can you believe it, they didn't even have tomyam. wtf... If you are dying for Thai food, don't bother going there. If you have the money to spare, please go to Patara at Swissotel instead. Endorsed by the Thai food master Tris XP himself, that would be the best place in Singapore where you can taste Thai cuisine at its best, while burning a damn big hole in your pocket.
Nevertheless, say what I want, dinner was enjoyable because of the company. Tris' godbrother's stories about snooty fat taitais wanting to model with his flowers (he is a floral arranger - he arranged my lovely V day bouquet!) just made us die of laughter.
Ok I am so tired. I woke up at a godforsaken early time of 9am today thanks to my neighbour's drilling. Enjoy my V-day bouquet while I sleep! Girls, if you like the bouquet, show it to your boyfriends and ask them to get for you one of these designer bouquets! :)

Yes I am bored...
Do I really need to do this test to determine this? :p
But of course! Right, my boyfriend? -wrings his arm-
-yay- I SO LOVE giselle!!
yeah.. I fall in love with my boyfriend again, every single day. :) And since he is schizo, he probably fulfills the requirement of being totally different. :p
You Are High Maintenance |
You want the good things in life Expensive clothes, nice food, and a perfect boyfriend And while it's good to aim high - you're scaring Mr. Perfect away No guy will treat you like a princess if you insist on acting like one Chill a little... and see how much better a big heart is than a big wallet. |
Do I really need to do this test to determine this? :p
You Are A Professional Girlfriend! |
You are the perfect girlfriend - big surprise! Heaven knows you've had enough practice. That's why you're a total pro. If there was an Emily Post of girlfriends, it would be you. You know how to act in every situation ... to make both you and your guy happy. |
But of course! Right, my boyfriend? -wrings his arm-
You Are Most Like Gisele Bundchen |
Slightly exotic and perfectly gorgeous |
-yay- I SO LOVE giselle!!
You Are Most Like Carrie! |
You're quirky, flirty, and every guy's perfect first date. But can the guy in question live up to your romantic ideal? It's tough for you to find the right match - you're more than a little picky. Never fear... You've got a great group of friends and a great closet of clothes, no matter what! Romantic prediction: You'll fall for someone this year... Totally different from any guy you've dated. |
yeah.. I fall in love with my boyfriend again, every single day. :) And since he is schizo, he probably fulfills the requirement of being totally different. :p
Monday, June 18, 2007
night court
I woke up at 2pm today and off I went to meet lerk to go to the two charities to deliver the letters of offer. The weather was fine at first, until we reached sph and it started raining like hell. The only thing I was worried about was my pink prada leather ballerinas which would probably melt in the rain. And so it did. After lerk dropped me at braddell mrt station, I unglamourously took off my shoes and wiped them clean, inside and out to prevent the water stains from leaving pockmarks on the beautiful pink leather. Thankfully, by the time I reached raffles place to meet tris, the stains had all disappeared. :)
We had dinner at Tony Roma's and I how love the SKILLET COOKIE SUNDAE. It is a huge piece of cookie on a warm skillet with vanilla ice-cream drenched with chocolate fudge on top. And it is only $9.90! I also love the onion loaf (which you will fancy only if you love onions).
Then we were off to night court, where we had fun looking at the freshies get tekaned by manu, rahman and a rising year 2 AGP. The best line of the night had to be from the rising year 2 AGP judge at the end of the night, "I can still remember my Night Court so vividly. It was as if my Law Camp happened just a year ago." All the seniors burst out laughing while the freshies stared blankly at us. Ultimate.
I am upper class too! -yay-
We had dinner at Tony Roma's and I how love the SKILLET COOKIE SUNDAE. It is a huge piece of cookie on a warm skillet with vanilla ice-cream drenched with chocolate fudge on top. And it is only $9.90! I also love the onion loaf (which you will fancy only if you love onions).
Then we were off to night court, where we had fun looking at the freshies get tekaned by manu, rahman and a rising year 2 AGP. The best line of the night had to be from the rising year 2 AGP judge at the end of the night, "I can still remember my Night Court so vividly. It was as if my Law Camp happened just a year ago." All the seniors burst out laughing while the freshies stared blankly at us. Ultimate.
You Are Upper Class |
Class isn't always about money, and you've at least got the brains, manners, and interests of an upper class person. You don't have a trashy bone in your body, and you don't pretend to be someone you're not. You're comfortable with your station in life, and class issues don't really bother you. The finest things in life are within your reach, and you're comfortable enjoying them. You may end up: A business leader, corporate lawyer, or philanthropist Other people who share your class: Bill Gates, Oprah, former world leaders like Bill Clinton, and those reclusive billionaires no one ever talks about. |
I am upper class too! -yay-
Saturday, June 16, 2007
school, spirituality, steak
I woke up exceptionally early on a Saturday morning and dragged myself out of bed to go to school for a law school branding focus group session. I was so so tired and the dark clouds were looming, a sign that I should really go home to sleep. But I had to meet the new faculty administrative manager who bears the same name as me, and was also Law Club Publications Secretary in her year! Not bad looking! Guys you have one more eye candy in school. The session started off a bit boring (perhaps more due to my sleepiness) but it got really heated up when we got to more controversial topics. Anyway, I enjoyed myself in the end, and I hope I played a role in helping my school understand how students feel about the whole issue. Glad I was invited to it.
Tris came over to my church for Novena and Mass today! :) It really meant a lot to me and although it was not exactly the most entertaining Mass I have attended, I got to share my Catholic faith with my beloved. I am so thankful that we have grown closer to Him after this week and that we have developed our love to a higher and more spiritual level. May we continue to grow in Him and bask in His glory. Thank you baby for tagging along with me and then having dinner with my crazy parents at Aston's.
Oh, ASTON'S. Drive along Joo Chiat Road and when you are just passing by Katong Mall, note how the usual hungry passers-by suddenly morph into a mob of avaricious souls queuing outside this humble looking foodplace called Aston's Specialties where melt-in-your-mouth prime ribeye steak only burns $12.90 in your pocket. Highly recommended if you are patient enough to stand in line. No reservations allowed but if you like steak and could settle for something less than Lawry's, Morton's and Black Angus (unlike my boyfriend who has very expensive taste - just look at his choice of girlfriend :p), then it's pretty worth the wait. Enjoy! :)
Tris came over to my church for Novena and Mass today! :) It really meant a lot to me and although it was not exactly the most entertaining Mass I have attended, I got to share my Catholic faith with my beloved. I am so thankful that we have grown closer to Him after this week and that we have developed our love to a higher and more spiritual level. May we continue to grow in Him and bask in His glory. Thank you baby for tagging along with me and then having dinner with my crazy parents at Aston's.
Oh, ASTON'S. Drive along Joo Chiat Road and when you are just passing by Katong Mall, note how the usual hungry passers-by suddenly morph into a mob of avaricious souls queuing outside this humble looking foodplace called Aston's Specialties where melt-in-your-mouth prime ribeye steak only burns $12.90 in your pocket. Highly recommended if you are patient enough to stand in line. No reservations allowed but if you like steak and could settle for something less than Lawry's, Morton's and Black Angus (unlike my boyfriend who has very expensive taste - just look at his choice of girlfriend :p), then it's pretty worth the wait. Enjoy! :)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
of love
I had a dream last night. I dreamt that I woke up, and I didn't receive your morning message which you usually sent me. I started to wonder what's wrong, and I got into a panic attack. And then I woke up, sweating and panting. I ran to my phone and checked it. You still haven't messaged me. I started to wonder what's wrong, and I got into a panic attack. And then I woke up, sweating and panting. I ran to my phone and checked it. You still haven't messaged me. I started to wonder what's wrong, and I got into a panic attack.
Every muscle in me ached as I reached forward, attempting to stab the numbers on my keypad to write the usual message, "40568309681". I stopped.
And then I really woke up. You were never going to message me again.
Messages allow the people who care for you to tell you they care, so you know that people who message you do care.
Messages are also the easy way to break up with a person without having to do it face to face.
In the olden days, boys take so much energy just running/cycling to the other side of the village that they are too tired to woo other girls. So they just decide on the prettiest one they find and stick with it. Break-ups were also taboo because it would just mean that either you were a flirt or you are just plain weird that no one wants to be with you.
Today, break-ups are so common that, I quote an acquaintance, "We are no longer surprised when couples break up. We are more surprised when couples actually stay together." When we have gossip sessions with friends, we express more interest in "Wow they are still together???" than "Oh another break up. No surprise. They didn't seem happy." Is it because deep down inside, we all wish to be that couple who stuck together and we want to know how they did it? Or that we are just jealous of that couple such that we are secretly happy when we hear they broke up so we know that there are two more single and lonely souls like us out there? Is that a validation to ourselves that there is no longer such a thing as true love other than the one God gives us? Do we still believe in human love?
I suppose it doesn't help that society is evolving into one with a shorter attention span and the ability to multitask such that we have lost the will to concentrate on one thing at one time (I mean seriously, while you read my blog, if this is the only open window/tab on your comp/laptop, no other internet windows/tabs or msn conversations with members of the opposite sex, you truly deserve my utmost respect). With the advancement of modern communications and the ease of meeting new people (be it online or through a friend), it is no wonder we are always on the lookout for someone whom we may potentially date. Somehow, staying attached to one person seems so much more difficult than finding a new one out there. Staying with one person requires a lot of effort, time and getting to know each other better.
Yet, nobody said that just because break-ups are more frequent and it is easier to meet new people, break-ups are easier to handle. Nobody knows when you cry at night about the boy you used to love because you still have to go to work like usual every single day pretending that you are perfectly fine, you still have to hand in your memos to your partner by the end of the day. Who cares if you are having a hard time?
Nobody wants to cry. And nobody wants to be alone. Neither do I. But I do not want to contribute to this rotten society where "I love you" no longer means a thing and couples just break up whenever they are in an unhappy situation. I want to stay with one person, expend my effort and time in getting to know him better, and still love and accept him even as I learn more about him every single day. I want to remember all the happy times we spend together and all the sad times which make the happy times even happier. I want to have even more happy times with him.
I still believe in love.
Will you all care to join me in making our society a more loving one?
Every muscle in me ached as I reached forward, attempting to stab the numbers on my keypad to write the usual message, "40568309681". I stopped.
And then I really woke up. You were never going to message me again.
Messages allow the people who care for you to tell you they care, so you know that people who message you do care.
Messages are also the easy way to break up with a person without having to do it face to face.
In the olden days, boys take so much energy just running/cycling to the other side of the village that they are too tired to woo other girls. So they just decide on the prettiest one they find and stick with it. Break-ups were also taboo because it would just mean that either you were a flirt or you are just plain weird that no one wants to be with you.
Today, break-ups are so common that, I quote an acquaintance, "We are no longer surprised when couples break up. We are more surprised when couples actually stay together." When we have gossip sessions with friends, we express more interest in "Wow they are still together???" than "Oh another break up. No surprise. They didn't seem happy." Is it because deep down inside, we all wish to be that couple who stuck together and we want to know how they did it? Or that we are just jealous of that couple such that we are secretly happy when we hear they broke up so we know that there are two more single and lonely souls like us out there? Is that a validation to ourselves that there is no longer such a thing as true love other than the one God gives us? Do we still believe in human love?
I suppose it doesn't help that society is evolving into one with a shorter attention span and the ability to multitask such that we have lost the will to concentrate on one thing at one time (I mean seriously, while you read my blog, if this is the only open window/tab on your comp/laptop, no other internet windows/tabs or msn conversations with members of the opposite sex, you truly deserve my utmost respect). With the advancement of modern communications and the ease of meeting new people (be it online or through a friend), it is no wonder we are always on the lookout for someone whom we may potentially date. Somehow, staying attached to one person seems so much more difficult than finding a new one out there. Staying with one person requires a lot of effort, time and getting to know each other better.
Yet, nobody said that just because break-ups are more frequent and it is easier to meet new people, break-ups are easier to handle. Nobody knows when you cry at night about the boy you used to love because you still have to go to work like usual every single day pretending that you are perfectly fine, you still have to hand in your memos to your partner by the end of the day. Who cares if you are having a hard time?
Nobody wants to cry. And nobody wants to be alone. Neither do I. But I do not want to contribute to this rotten society where "I love you" no longer means a thing and couples just break up whenever they are in an unhappy situation. I want to stay with one person, expend my effort and time in getting to know him better, and still love and accept him even as I learn more about him every single day. I want to remember all the happy times we spend together and all the sad times which make the happy times even happier. I want to have even more happy times with him.
I still believe in love.
Will you all care to join me in making our society a more loving one?
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
tinkerbell and shrek 3
Tinkerbell (the shoe shop which has two outlets in Marina Square, one near the cinema and the other at the Marina entrance from Suntec) is having a HUGE sale. $19.90 for any pair of shoes and $49.90 for any 3 pairs. Needlessly to say, I went ballistic and tried on almost every pair of shoes there before deciding on the 3 pairs which had the privilege to go home with me. ladeeda... Another 3 pairs into Wendy's beloved shoe cabinet. :) Girls please do go check out Tinkerbell. Their pumps are quite comfortable and I mean seriously, $50 for any 3 pairs storewide??? Get out of town! :p
Watched Shrek 3. It was damn funny! I personally enjoyed the part where pinocchio was trying not to lie the most. Highly entertaining and witty. It's not easy for a part 3 to be so entertaining, so kudos to the director.
The day didn't go too smoothly because of a hiccup over dinner which was all my psychotic fault. But I am thankful that things became so much better because we talked, forgave and forgot. And we made sure that despite the few days of unhappiness whenever I pout, we never ever forget the many many days of happiness of just being together, and the many many more days of happiness to come. :)
Watched Shrek 3. It was damn funny! I personally enjoyed the part where pinocchio was trying not to lie the most. Highly entertaining and witty. It's not easy for a part 3 to be so entertaining, so kudos to the director.
The day didn't go too smoothly because of a hiccup over dinner which was all my psychotic fault. But I am thankful that things became so much better because we talked, forgave and forgot. And we made sure that despite the few days of unhappiness whenever I pout, we never ever forget the many many days of happiness of just being together, and the many many more days of happiness to come. :)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
我在纽约住了一季, 为的是写一则报道给报刊。那天正雷雨交加,雨像断了线的珠子纷纷落下。我踏着沉重的脚步,赶紧从我住宅附近的商店走回家。走了一街又一街,看了街边的乞丐一个又一个,心里满怀谢意。感谢我不必为生活而做出这种毫无出息的事。他们到底为何要干如此对不起自己的活,为何要如此令人藐视自己?
我在纽约住了一季, 为的是写一则报道给报刊。那天正雷雨交加,雨像断了线的珠子纷纷落下。我踏着沉重的脚步,赶紧从我住宅附近的商店走回家。走了一街又一街,看了街边的乞丐一个又一个,心里满怀谢意。感谢我不必为生活而做出这种毫无出息的事。他们到底为何要干如此对不起自己的活,为何要如此令人藐视自己?
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Since I am stuck at home this weekend nursing a sore throat (residual from stuffing myself with chocolates in switzerland, then eating spicy things for 4 days in a row), I spent the weekend watching sex and the city. So what more could you ask of me than a post on one of the greatest indulgence in my life?
1. Stilettos
Stilettos are named after the stiletto dagger, and may vary in length from a few cm to 7 inches. Stilettos are thin and pointy high heels, which make a woman exude sexuality and are known for their erotic nature as they alter a woman's posture by forcing the leg to turn out, the calf muscle to stiffen (hence look more toned) and the hips to sashay. In fact, Marilyn Monroe reputedly chopped off 3/4 of an inch of the heel of her left shoe to emphasise her wiggle (see here and here).
a stiletto dagger
Christian Louboutin hi tina stiletto sandals
2. Ballerina flats
Also known as flatties or ballet shoes, they are usually closed-toe and very comfortable because they are flat (duh).
black satin Louis Vuitton concorde flat ballerina
3. Pumps
Pumps are also known as court shoes but have evolved into shoes of many colours, material, designs and embellishment to make them wearable "out-of-court". They have enclosed toes and sides and have either stiletto or block heels.
Roger Vivier created the highest stiletto pumps which could withstand any woman's weight because of his signature comma-shaped heel.
Vivier silver pumps with buckle
the commas of Vivier
4. Wedges
Wedges come with triangular heels that join the sole of the shoe.
Ferragamo signoria topstitched wedge in black
5. D'Orsay
A d'Orsay ("door-say") style pump has sides that are cut away, revealing the arch of the foot. D'Orsay can be either opened or closed toe.
Manolo Blahnik strappy opened-toe d'orsay pumps
Marc Jacobs closed-toe d'orsay patent pumps
6. Mary Janes
Nope, not Spiderman's lover, but traditional MJs have short, rounded toe box and are flat. Modern MJs vary from flat to heeled shoes, but what makes an MJ an MJ is the strap that runs across the front of the foot. It was the famous shoemaker Manolo Blahnik who recreated the MJ with a pointed toe box and made the Mary Janes a classic Manolo Blahnik design.
Kate Spade flat mary janes in pink
Manolo Blahnik mary janes heels in black with rhinestone
7. Slingbacks
Slingbacks can be either open or closed toe shoes. A pair of slingbacks has a back strap that connects the side of the shoe to wrap around the heel.
Jimmy Choo gentle metallic leather slingback
8. Kitten heels
Kitten (or kitty) heels are shoes with thin and low heels.
Stuart Weitzman bowsart kitten heels in navy satin
9. Mules
Mules are backless shoes with closed toes.
Prada brocade mules
10. Platforms
Platforms have very thick soles at the front. They were the trend for 'aunties' in Singapore in the 1990s and soon became a fashion boo-boo because of the degrading nature of the wearers. Platforms were made HUGE internationally thanks to the platform goddess, Vivienne Westwood, and Naomi Campbell who fell from these blue platforms in a VW 1993 Autumn/Winter fashion show:
Vivienne Westwood ghillie.

Another absolutely sado-masochistic pair of VW platforms:

11. Ankle Straps/Ankle Wraps
Ankle straps have single or multiple straps (usually leather) which wrap around the ankle, while ankle wraps have ribbons or strings which wrap around the ankle.
Gucci metal ankle straps
Chanel red logo espadrilles ankle wrap sandals
12. Loafers/Moccasins
Covered, slip-on footwear which are super comfortable and very good for travelling in. Loafers are slightly different from moccasins in that moccasins are usually softer and more flexible. Otherwise, the terms are generally interchangeable.
Tod's suede driving loafers
13. Oxfords
Oxfords are leather shoes with enclosed lacing. The design of the shoe is often plain, but may include some small ornamentation or perforations.
Irregular Choice mock croc oxfords
14. Peep Toe
Literally, peep toes mean you can see your toes.
Steve Madden lalo gingham peep-toe
15. Boots
And of course, who could forget, BOOTS! Boots cover at least the foot and the ankle and sometimes extends up to the knee. Most have heels that are clearly distinguishable from the rest of the sole, even if the two are made of one piece.
Dolce & Gabbana astrakhan-and-croc boots
Ok! Hope you enjoyed your crash course of the different shoes in the world. There are definitely more but Wendy needs to take her antibiotics and then go to bed. Good night! :)
1. Stilettos
Stilettos are named after the stiletto dagger, and may vary in length from a few cm to 7 inches. Stilettos are thin and pointy high heels, which make a woman exude sexuality and are known for their erotic nature as they alter a woman's posture by forcing the leg to turn out, the calf muscle to stiffen (hence look more toned) and the hips to sashay. In fact, Marilyn Monroe reputedly chopped off 3/4 of an inch of the heel of her left shoe to emphasise her wiggle (see here and here).

2. Ballerina flats
Also known as flatties or ballet shoes, they are usually closed-toe and very comfortable because they are flat (duh).

3. Pumps
Pumps are also known as court shoes but have evolved into shoes of many colours, material, designs and embellishment to make them wearable "out-of-court". They have enclosed toes and sides and have either stiletto or block heels.
Roger Vivier created the highest stiletto pumps which could withstand any woman's weight because of his signature comma-shaped heel.

4. Wedges
Wedges come with triangular heels that join the sole of the shoe.

5. D'Orsay
A d'Orsay ("door-say") style pump has sides that are cut away, revealing the arch of the foot. D'Orsay can be either opened or closed toe.

6. Mary Janes
Nope, not Spiderman's lover, but traditional MJs have short, rounded toe box and are flat. Modern MJs vary from flat to heeled shoes, but what makes an MJ an MJ is the strap that runs across the front of the foot. It was the famous shoemaker Manolo Blahnik who recreated the MJ with a pointed toe box and made the Mary Janes a classic Manolo Blahnik design.

7. Slingbacks
Slingbacks can be either open or closed toe shoes. A pair of slingbacks has a back strap that connects the side of the shoe to wrap around the heel.

8. Kitten heels
Kitten (or kitty) heels are shoes with thin and low heels.

9. Mules
Mules are backless shoes with closed toes.

10. Platforms
Platforms have very thick soles at the front. They were the trend for 'aunties' in Singapore in the 1990s and soon became a fashion boo-boo because of the degrading nature of the wearers. Platforms were made HUGE internationally thanks to the platform goddess, Vivienne Westwood, and Naomi Campbell who fell from these blue platforms in a VW 1993 Autumn/Winter fashion show:

Another absolutely sado-masochistic pair of VW platforms:

11. Ankle Straps/Ankle Wraps
Ankle straps have single or multiple straps (usually leather) which wrap around the ankle, while ankle wraps have ribbons or strings which wrap around the ankle.

12. Loafers/Moccasins
Covered, slip-on footwear which are super comfortable and very good for travelling in. Loafers are slightly different from moccasins in that moccasins are usually softer and more flexible. Otherwise, the terms are generally interchangeable.

13. Oxfords
Oxfords are leather shoes with enclosed lacing. The design of the shoe is often plain, but may include some small ornamentation or perforations.

14. Peep Toe
Literally, peep toes mean you can see your toes.

15. Boots
And of course, who could forget, BOOTS! Boots cover at least the foot and the ankle and sometimes extends up to the knee. Most have heels that are clearly distinguishable from the rest of the sole, even if the two are made of one piece.

Ok! Hope you enjoyed your crash course of the different shoes in the world. There are definitely more but Wendy needs to take her antibiotics and then go to bed. Good night! :)
Friday, June 8, 2007
mother goose
This post is one day late because I fell dead asleep when I reached home last night.
Had lunch with cx, lilly and tris yesterday at raffles place! Thankfully, we didn't take that long to find seats at banquet. It was so so fun chatting and "sharing interesting stories" with them and I am so glad that despite cx being away for one year, we could still talk like before. Adam and Rahman popped by to say hi. Oh cx, tell adam he lost a lot of weight. Was it the soccer? Thanks to lilly for lending me 6 seasons of sex and the city to accompany me this entire holiday! CX!! We must go shopping soon! And tris says you two are so fun to talk to. hahaha.. Hope you guys enjoyed yourself chatting with him too!
And then I was off to kk hospital to read story books to the kids in the outpatient clinic with hanting and a few other law people. I was so so afraid to approach the parents to ask them if they minded us telling stories to their kids. Surprisingly, the parents were very nice about it, perhaps because we were literally FOC babysitters and they didn't have to watch the kids while waiting for their turns to see the doctor. The kids were the shy ones. However, after a few minutes of chatting, the shy kids suddenly morphed into hyperactive and chatty tyrants. A 5-year-old boy, Ryan, got bored of the book I was reading to him about a fox trying to eat 6 rabbits so he started to tell me about his favourite dragon in God-knows-what cartoon series. An 8-year-old girl, Joanne, got bored of the "love story" between the tin soldier and the ballerina in The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Anderson that she started telling me her own. Apparently, a boy in her class keeps telling her that he loves her, but she doesn't like him because he kept beating her. Everything she said sounded so wrong. And to top it all, Joanne said that hanting kor kor was handsome. Sigh... even innocent primary 2 girls think that hanting is a sexy beast. Whatever happened to pure and innocent kids in the world who were happy playing with their Barbie dolls and toy cars? Now they want sexy men?
Dinner was with andre at the korean barbecue restaurant next to kushinbo in suntec. I gained back all my calories lost from one week of gym with that one meal, stuffing myself with various meat bulgogi. The food was surprisingly not too bad, but as we left the place and stared at the people eating at kushinbo and then down to our bloated stomachs, we wished we chose the healthier option of japanese sashimi.
The day ended with shopping and we both went home happy with our purchases from Guess which were on 50-70% discount. I want to shop somemore...
Had lunch with cx, lilly and tris yesterday at raffles place! Thankfully, we didn't take that long to find seats at banquet. It was so so fun chatting and "sharing interesting stories" with them and I am so glad that despite cx being away for one year, we could still talk like before. Adam and Rahman popped by to say hi. Oh cx, tell adam he lost a lot of weight. Was it the soccer? Thanks to lilly for lending me 6 seasons of sex and the city to accompany me this entire holiday! CX!! We must go shopping soon! And tris says you two are so fun to talk to. hahaha.. Hope you guys enjoyed yourself chatting with him too!
And then I was off to kk hospital to read story books to the kids in the outpatient clinic with hanting and a few other law people. I was so so afraid to approach the parents to ask them if they minded us telling stories to their kids. Surprisingly, the parents were very nice about it, perhaps because we were literally FOC babysitters and they didn't have to watch the kids while waiting for their turns to see the doctor. The kids were the shy ones. However, after a few minutes of chatting, the shy kids suddenly morphed into hyperactive and chatty tyrants. A 5-year-old boy, Ryan, got bored of the book I was reading to him about a fox trying to eat 6 rabbits so he started to tell me about his favourite dragon in God-knows-what cartoon series. An 8-year-old girl, Joanne, got bored of the "love story" between the tin soldier and the ballerina in The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Anderson that she started telling me her own. Apparently, a boy in her class keeps telling her that he loves her, but she doesn't like him because he kept beating her. Everything she said sounded so wrong. And to top it all, Joanne said that hanting kor kor was handsome. Sigh... even innocent primary 2 girls think that hanting is a sexy beast. Whatever happened to pure and innocent kids in the world who were happy playing with their Barbie dolls and toy cars? Now they want sexy men?
Dinner was with andre at the korean barbecue restaurant next to kushinbo in suntec. I gained back all my calories lost from one week of gym with that one meal, stuffing myself with various meat bulgogi. The food was surprisingly not too bad, but as we left the place and stared at the people eating at kushinbo and then down to our bloated stomachs, we wished we chose the healthier option of japanese sashimi.
The day ended with shopping and we both went home happy with our purchases from Guess which were on 50-70% discount. I want to shop somemore...
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I think my throat is getting a bit sore again. Must be the assam pedas on sunday, curry fish head on monday, tom yam soup with rice on tuesday and tom yam ban mian today. eeps... It's not my fault I was on a strict porridge/fish soup/noodle soup diet for 2 weeks. :(
I went for combat today and I finally met shihui after months! I miss bitching with her so much. I didn't see her right behind me in the studio at first because I was reading a book on California (get it? reading about California in California Fitness! hur hur...) So after combat we went on our bitching spree from 30min of treadmill to the shower and to the steam room. So fun! Can't wait to do that again!
Then I went to raffles place to meet tris and his gang for lunch and got reminded of internships, lunch crowd madness, the mighty tissue packet which can block off whole tables and having to chomp my food down in a jiffy. I can't imagine I will be part of this lunch crowd in a year's time. I met shin in china square. Glad to know she is enjoying herself in rodyk. Somehow, she looks so much more mature in the lawyer get-up and with make-up. Do we all when we start working? Is it just the physical look or also the sudden realisation that we now have to depend on ourselves and no one will pay for our food, transport, shopping which makes us try to behave more maturely? It is a brand new phase of our lives, and it all seems so scary yet exciting thinking about it.
Went home to nap from 3 to 7 and woke up to dinner and my korean drama. Then I met up with yongji to go to the range. I haven't held a golf club for a year and when I opened up my bag, I realised how much I miss playing golf. I want to get my handicap. Anyway, it was so fun chatting with yongji about the states. I really cannot wait to go to the states in december, especially for FACTORY OUTLET SHOPPING (my boyfriend, please take note - one day is definitely not enough k? need at least 4-5 days :p)
Ok, that's all for wendy's boring day. If you managed to read till here, you are either a good friend or just damn bloody bored.
Will be meeting cx and lilly tomorrow! Oh how I miss the good old days of lunch with them.
I went for combat today and I finally met shihui after months! I miss bitching with her so much. I didn't see her right behind me in the studio at first because I was reading a book on California (get it? reading about California in California Fitness! hur hur...) So after combat we went on our bitching spree from 30min of treadmill to the shower and to the steam room. So fun! Can't wait to do that again!
Then I went to raffles place to meet tris and his gang for lunch and got reminded of internships, lunch crowd madness, the mighty tissue packet which can block off whole tables and having to chomp my food down in a jiffy. I can't imagine I will be part of this lunch crowd in a year's time. I met shin in china square. Glad to know she is enjoying herself in rodyk. Somehow, she looks so much more mature in the lawyer get-up and with make-up. Do we all when we start working? Is it just the physical look or also the sudden realisation that we now have to depend on ourselves and no one will pay for our food, transport, shopping which makes us try to behave more maturely? It is a brand new phase of our lives, and it all seems so scary yet exciting thinking about it.
Went home to nap from 3 to 7 and woke up to dinner and my korean drama. Then I met up with yongji to go to the range. I haven't held a golf club for a year and when I opened up my bag, I realised how much I miss playing golf. I want to get my handicap. Anyway, it was so fun chatting with yongji about the states. I really cannot wait to go to the states in december, especially for FACTORY OUTLET SHOPPING (my boyfriend, please take note - one day is definitely not enough k? need at least 4-5 days :p)
Ok, that's all for wendy's boring day. If you managed to read till here, you are either a good friend or just damn bloody bored.
Will be meeting cx and lilly tomorrow! Oh how I miss the good old days of lunch with them.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Sunday, June 3, 2007
wales open
Saturday, June 2, 2007
waterfalls form as the snow melts down the mountain//it's christmas time!//mummy and daddy//me and daddy//me at the tasch train station//mummy and her swiss cottage//how much is that choc block in the window?//me, mummy, daddy and the foggy matterhorn//me at my hotel balcony
Zermatt is a tiny old town by the Matterhorn where people like to ski. There are many quaint and cute shops along the walkway. I remember we didn't walk that much because it was raining like mad. We couldn't see the Matterhorn because of the rain and fog. :(
the flag of berne between two swiss flags//me at the clock tower/me!!!:)//the lovely view of the town of berne//bear pit//a pretty poster i saw!//of swiss cottages//me and lady justice fountain//the streets of berne
Berne means bear. The capital of the Swiss Confederation, Berne is a charming town with arcaded shops, carved fountains and towers.
chocolate fondue//yummy!//me in the jungfraubahn//mummy and daddy in the jungfraubahn//it's christmas time again//and again//daddy, me and mummy//me acting cute//i'm on the top of europe!//the eskimo family//whee!!!//swiss ice cream//me in the train//me and my swiss cottages//of mountains, trees and cottages//me with beer and chocolate
Interlaken means "between two lakes". It is a tiny (and I mean really tiny) town situated in between two sparkling lakes. It is so tiny that if one day those two lakes flood, the town will probably be wiped out. Perhaps it is the small-ness and cosy nature of this town that fascinates me. There is only one street in the town, which you can walk from end to end within 15 minutes. The town is situated beneath the most beautiful snowy mountain ever, the Jungfraujoch, which means Mountain of the Young Lady. It is called the 'top of Europe' because it is the highest altitude that a normal person without ski attire can go up by train. Send a postcard down from the Jungfraujoch to yourself or your beloved! (if you can remember his address) :)
me and daddy at the Lion's Monument//me at the chapel bridge//me and mummy//daddy and mummy at the chapel bridge//me acting cool//me and daddy on mount titlis//me and daddy in the snow//trio in the snow//me and daddy again
Lucerne means lion. The town got its name from its Lion's Monument carved from a limestone cliff to commemorate the bravery of the Swiss Guards during the French Revolution. This town is bigger than that of Interlaken, Berne and Zermatt, and houses many top watch brands, including Rolex, Breitling, Tag Heuer, Baume & Mercier and even Swatch. This is the place to SHOP in Switzerland! As tourists, you get 7% tax refund for the watches you buy, which is deductable at the point of sale, unlike in Italy where you will only get your refund back through your credit card a few months later.
Switzerland is a very beautiful country. Whatever they say about the pure white snowy mountains, sparkling lakes and cascading waterfalls, is all TRUE. Unlike the ancient beauty of Rome, the shopping in Milan, the waterways of Venice and the view of Florence, Switzerland gives you a sense of peace, serenity and neutrality, and lets you relax with its slow pace. Switzerland retains its natural beauty because of its neutrality during the wars (which explains its perfectly square flag with a cross of equal lengths). Please do visit Switzerland to see the pure beauty that the world still preserves so well.

Zermatt is a tiny old town by the Matterhorn where people like to ski. There are many quaint and cute shops along the walkway. I remember we didn't walk that much because it was raining like mad. We couldn't see the Matterhorn because of the rain and fog. :(

Berne means bear. The capital of the Swiss Confederation, Berne is a charming town with arcaded shops, carved fountains and towers.

Interlaken means "between two lakes". It is a tiny (and I mean really tiny) town situated in between two sparkling lakes. It is so tiny that if one day those two lakes flood, the town will probably be wiped out. Perhaps it is the small-ness and cosy nature of this town that fascinates me. There is only one street in the town, which you can walk from end to end within 15 minutes. The town is situated beneath the most beautiful snowy mountain ever, the Jungfraujoch, which means Mountain of the Young Lady. It is called the 'top of Europe' because it is the highest altitude that a normal person without ski attire can go up by train. Send a postcard down from the Jungfraujoch to yourself or your beloved! (if you can remember his address) :)

Lucerne means lion. The town got its name from its Lion's Monument carved from a limestone cliff to commemorate the bravery of the Swiss Guards during the French Revolution. This town is bigger than that of Interlaken, Berne and Zermatt, and houses many top watch brands, including Rolex, Breitling, Tag Heuer, Baume & Mercier and even Swatch. This is the place to SHOP in Switzerland! As tourists, you get 7% tax refund for the watches you buy, which is deductable at the point of sale, unlike in Italy where you will only get your refund back through your credit card a few months later.
Switzerland is a very beautiful country. Whatever they say about the pure white snowy mountains, sparkling lakes and cascading waterfalls, is all TRUE. Unlike the ancient beauty of Rome, the shopping in Milan, the waterways of Venice and the view of Florence, Switzerland gives you a sense of peace, serenity and neutrality, and lets you relax with its slow pace. Switzerland retains its natural beauty because of its neutrality during the wars (which explains its perfectly square flag with a cross of equal lengths). Please do visit Switzerland to see the pure beauty that the world still preserves so well.
Friday, June 1, 2007
my secret pal
My secret pal is cute, has a belly, and looks like Brad Pitt.
The first time I saw him, he was blindfolded like Cupid. I was arrowed to disguise as a freshie and chat with him because there weren't enough female freshies to play Secret Pal. Reluctant at first, I finally agreed because I thought of the prospects of selling my year 1 books as a package to a naive freshie if I could make him believe that I was the most wonderful senior around. Amazingly, we could chat about the most random things in life and thankfully, I did sell him my textbooks and lousy muggers I prepared which gave me sucky results. My secret pal got into the Dean's List. He figured it wasn't about the muggers, it was about the brains.
We bump into each other regularly in school, and unlike most of the law dudes who try to act cool by cocking their heads to one side and going "Yo!" when they meet you along the corridor, my secret pal always bounces up to me, stops, smiles, waves and says, "Hi Wendy!". Always.
My secret pal joined Law Club too! I was so proud of him as he was the only year 1 who bravely took on the role as FOCC head. It was unfortunate that he chose to not run for a second term in the end but I am glad he became president of the Year 2 Class Committee anyway.
Coincidentally, my secret pal was also one of my matchmakers (the other being Mr. Kyle Lee). In fact, he must be the only person who really knew tris and me individually and decently well before he helped to bring us together. I am sure during the process, my secret pal must have been secretly laughing at us two cockheads who didn't know what we were going into.
Today, I finally got to have lunch with my secret pal alone outside of school, at Steeple's Deli. And I truly appreciate it. Thank you for sharing your feelings with me and for trusting me enough to share them. Thank you for helping me, in a way you didn't think you would, find pure bliss and true happiness with a guy I love so much. Thank you for just being you.
I wish you all the best in the States and may you continue to seek and finally find true happiness within you. And I will be there to share your tears, joy and laughter. Remember, I am just one msn away. Take care, my grandbitch, Mr Leong Honteng. :)
June 2005: law camp formal dinner at seletar country club
October 2005: law club stupid shots
July 2006: law camp charity for MINDS kids
June 2007: today, at steeple's deli
The first time I saw him, he was blindfolded like Cupid. I was arrowed to disguise as a freshie and chat with him because there weren't enough female freshies to play Secret Pal. Reluctant at first, I finally agreed because I thought of the prospects of selling my year 1 books as a package to a naive freshie if I could make him believe that I was the most wonderful senior around. Amazingly, we could chat about the most random things in life and thankfully, I did sell him my textbooks and lousy muggers I prepared which gave me sucky results. My secret pal got into the Dean's List. He figured it wasn't about the muggers, it was about the brains.
We bump into each other regularly in school, and unlike most of the law dudes who try to act cool by cocking their heads to one side and going "Yo!" when they meet you along the corridor, my secret pal always bounces up to me, stops, smiles, waves and says, "Hi Wendy!". Always.
My secret pal joined Law Club too! I was so proud of him as he was the only year 1 who bravely took on the role as FOCC head. It was unfortunate that he chose to not run for a second term in the end but I am glad he became president of the Year 2 Class Committee anyway.
Coincidentally, my secret pal was also one of my matchmakers (the other being Mr. Kyle Lee). In fact, he must be the only person who really knew tris and me individually and decently well before he helped to bring us together. I am sure during the process, my secret pal must have been secretly laughing at us two cockheads who didn't know what we were going into.
Today, I finally got to have lunch with my secret pal alone outside of school, at Steeple's Deli. And I truly appreciate it. Thank you for sharing your feelings with me and for trusting me enough to share them. Thank you for helping me, in a way you didn't think you would, find pure bliss and true happiness with a guy I love so much. Thank you for just being you.
I wish you all the best in the States and may you continue to seek and finally find true happiness within you. And I will be there to share your tears, joy and laughter. Remember, I am just one msn away. Take care, my grandbitch, Mr Leong Honteng. :)

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