But I am a Vulgarian... can I not act Vulgar and still speak English?
But no, that would make you an American
And the little kids there are so bloody cute! Esplanade was flooding with them today. They were classly cute, not the irritating screaming running type. We were at the merchandise counter and there was a little boy who ran into the counter area and picked up the Chitty car model gleefully. He looked at the counter staff eagerly and asked him, "Can this car tranform?" The staff was speechless. SHO CUTE!!!

At Max Brenner's, Shu Qiu and I had the best tasting Italian Thick Hot Chocolate ever.

Ok this picture doesn't do it justice. The hot chocolate comes in a 'hug mug' which you can wrap your hands around to keep warm.

And I met Kenneth, whom I usually only meet once a year during Chinese New Year at Uncle Chen's house. He decided to go to the other law school!!! Rarr... Hahaha..

Pretty mobiles decorate the lobby of the Esplanade:

Lastly, the silly love song between the Baron and Baroness of Vulgaria:
You're my little chu-chi face
My coo-chi, coo-chi, woo-chi little chu-chi face
Every time I look at you I sigh
And you're my little teddy bear
My lovey lovey dovey little teddy bear
You're the apple strudel of mine eye
Your chu-chi woo-chi nose
Your chu-chi woo-chi eyes
They set my heart a flutter
Your ooo-chi coo-chi ways
Your ooo-chi coo-chi gaze
Wilts me down like meltings butter
You're my little chu-chi face
And you're my teddy bear
Together we're a chu-chi woo-chi, ooo-chi coo-chi pair
Whatever you may ask becomes my happy task
I only live to serve you
I never will divine what magic made you mine
I only know I don't deserve you
You're my little chu-chi face
And you're my teddy bear
Together we're a chu-chi woo-chi, ooo-chi coo-chi
Chu-chi, Woo-chi, Ooo-chi, Coo-chi pair
Now back to IT Law assignment. boo...
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