Random rantings. Pardon me.
4 years in law sch, and I have never once complained about any group I have had for group presentations. But this time, IT SUCKS!!! I thought I would leave law sch happy, knowing that law students are such wonderful people to work with, but NO... Some idiots have to spoil it. RARRRRRRR!!! Thankfully they are not local students, or I will curse and swear at the fact that I may have to work with them in the future. These are people I know I will never ever have to work with, and I better not see them again. And I am not afraid to say it here because they really didn't do any substantial work at all. Utterly irresponsible creatures.
I remember when I used to watch local dramas (note: used to), there would be this romantic scene:
At the airportGuy: My love, I am leaving now and I will be gone for a very long time. Will you be able to take care of yourself?
(sniffles) I cannot live without you!!!
Guy: I know.. Me too..
(takes out an envelope from his jacket) Since you cannot live without me? Would you like to come along with me?
(presents the girl an air ticket with her name)Girl: Oh my love!! Yes I would love to!!! But.. what about my passport??
Guy: Don't worry!
(reaches into his jacket again) I have my ways..
(wink)They hug and happily leave together, the girl not carrying any luggage. Now that was plausible, because he had her passport and he was still in Singapore and could pay for the ticket with his credit card. But there would also be another romantic scene often played in local dramas:
In the girl's house. The girl receives a letter from her beau overseas. Reads the letter"My love, I miss you so much. How I wish you are right here with me. Would you like to come and be with me right now? I have attached your ticket in this letter."
(girl sees the ticket, with her name imprinted on it) "Please come soon. I love you."
Girl is touched by the gesture of love and is overwhelmed with emotions
(cries) Runs to the airport to catch her flight, and the lovers finally meet in the foreign land and hug each other to death.
THIS IS UTTER BULLSHIT. The guy couldn't have bought a ticket for her while he is overseas. He needs a local credit card. Even if he did possess a local credit card, the girl needs to present that credit card, together with the air ticket at the airport counter when she checks in. The guy certainly didn't attach his credit card in the letter. So much for drama serials which make it so easy for guys overseas to buy airtickets for their wives/girlfriends/mistresses to fly over to meet them. GRR... Don't airlines promote love??? Boyfriends want to show their love by buying air tickets for their girlfriends. Why is buying airtickets for other people so bloody troublesome? I sincerely apologise to the boyfriend for all the trouble I have created.
By the way, I have always been worried if posting pictures from other websites on my blog (e.g. dresses, movie posters) would lead to copyright suits by the biggie companies because I am not the author/creator of the work. And sadly, from now on, I will no longer do so because it is a copyright infringement. After yesterday's IP class, I found that out in
Virtual Map v Suncool [2005] 2 SLR 157. I cannot do so because I:
(i) did not add any element of material alteration or embellishment which suffices to make the totality of the work an original work (per Lord Oliver of Aylmerton in
Interlego AG v Tyco Industries Inc [1989] AC 217 at 262);
(ii) did not expended the kind of skill, labour and effort required in the work to be rewarded with that copyright (which the biggie fashion/movie companies have);
(iii) have taken an individual part of a collection of separate works of the companies, albeit not substantial, which constitutes a qualitative taking of the work;
(iv) have knowledge that the work doesn't belong to me.
In that case, the defendant reproduced a map image from the plaintiff's website (streetdirectory.com) on his own website, suncool.com.sg, to inform customers of the location of his office, without the consent of the plaintiffs. Justice Lai Kew Chai, based on the above reasons (and other reasons irrelevant to my posting of pictures on my blog) held that the defendant had infringed on the plaintiff's copyright.
:( But aren't I helping them promote their stuff? I cannot post pictures of pretty dresses on my blog anymore. *sob* Looks like I can only post photos that I have taken in my camera from now on. Hmm.. I wonder if I should delete all the previous pictures too..
And bloody Lawnet 2 SUCKS!!! As well as the new IVLE! I hate all these new things. Giving us more problems than the old trusty systems. When something is not broken, why try to fix it??? Stupid idiots. Those people who came up with Lawnet 2 and the new IVLE (I suppose you are tech-savvy people so you can find my blog), you better do something about it. We don't pay for Lawnet just to realise that there are too many people logged on or that it takes forever to find our cases. Stupid Lawnet.
Ok I am done with my ranting for today. Thanks for listening (reading)! :)